Fire detector
A device that will detect or report signals of fire
When the device activate…
In case of fire:
Check the origin of the fire and evacuate.
Please, take measures such as call the 119.
If it is not a fire:
- Sometimes the detector may activate in the following cases:
- When using smoke type repelents in the room.
- When using sprays (inseticide; hair spray).
- When the cigarette smoke hits the smoke detector directly.
- When the smoke from cooking accumulates around the detector.
How to stop the device alarm:
For continuous long interval beeping alarm.
If the device is making continuous long beeping sounds, you may press the button on the device and it will temporarily stop for 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes, if it still beeps again, try to remove the cause by ventilating the area and using a fan against the device surface.
Even if the device is a heat detector, you can stop if by cooling it down with a fan.For short interval beeping alarm.
It means the device is either out of battery or it is informing it is time for it to be replaced. Contact the LeoPalace service center.
If you hold down the button on the device for 5 seconds, the alarm will stop for 24 hours. -
Stop button on the fire alarm.
* The image shows a smoke detector.
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If something is wrong or could be dangerous, please contact the Leopalace Service Center or apply using the "Equipment Repair Request Form"
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