What to do in such a case

Basic operation of equipment and trouble shooting


Is it a malfunction? before that!

  1. It doesn't cool well, it doesn't get cold
    • Are you putting warm or hot items inside?
    • Is it overfilled with food?
    • Is the cold air vent blocked by food, etc.? (In the case of a refrigerator with vent)
    • Do you open and close the door frequently?
    • Is the temperature control in the proper position?
    • If you keep the temperature control for the freezer to "strong" all the time, it may stop getting cold.

  2. Food in the refrigerator freezes
    • Is there any watery food (like tofu) on the back of the refrigerator (near the vent)?
    • Is the temperature control set for continuous operation or strong?
  3. Dew and frost forms inside the refrigerator
    • It may appear when the humidity is high, when the door is opened for a long time, or when the door is opened and closed frequently.
    • Is something stuck in the door, or is food hitting the door and making the door open a little?
  4. Is making loud noise
    • Is it installed so that it does not rattle on the floor?
    • Is the refrigerator hitting on the wall?
    • Is the evaporation dish firmly inserted and fixed?
    • Are there any objects around the refrigerator?

About operation noise

  • The following noise is heard during operation, but this is not a malfunction.
  1. Short repeated popping sound
    • This is the sound of the refrigerant (gas) flowing in the cooling device.
  2. Short single popping sound
    • This is because the inside of the refrigerator repeatedly contracts and expands due to temperature changes and cooling operation.
  3. Prolonged buzzing sound
    • When opening and closing the door, the fan stops, so there may be an operating noise.
      (In the case of a refrigerator with a fan)

Use the refrigerator efficiently

  • Store food in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, or put it in a closed container.
    Prevents odor transfer and drying.of a refrigerator with a fan.
Allow hot items to cool before storage.
It will affect other foods and waste electricity.
Things that are not suitable for storage in the freezer.
Raw and boiled eggs (raw eggs shells would crack, and boiled eggs white will harden.)
Dairy products (fat and water separate)
Raw vegetables (burdock, butterbur, etc. that have a lot of water lose their flavor, and potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. turn black and rot.)
  • Please open and close the door neatly.
    If you leave the door open for a long time, the cool air will escape.
  • Leave a gap between items.
    IIf it is packed too much, the air circulation will be less and the cooling will be weakened.
Not suitable for storage in the refrigerator.
Cool tropical fruits such as bananas just before eating.
This types of food deteriorates when cooled for a long time. Radishes and potatoes may change in quality as well.

Daily care

  1. Maintenance
    • Dip a soft cloth in a diluted neutral detergent, squeeze tightly and then wipe with water and dry.
    • Using a knife or screwdriver to remove frost or ice may damage the innerside and cause a malfunction.
    • Do not use items like the following.
  • Alcohol
  • Polishing powder
  • Soap powder
  • Nylon
    scrubbing brush
  • Scourer
  • Hot water
    (60℃ or higher)
  • Organic solvent
    (Thinner, benzine, seal remover, etc.)
  • Alkaline and weakly alkaline detergent
  • Items that may damage the resin
We cannot guarantee the food in the refrigerator when it is replaced due to a defect.

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If something is wrong or could be dangerous, please contact the Leopalace Service Center or apply using the "Equipment Repair Request Form"

  • Equipment repair request form