About Contract・Cancellation method by payment method
- Payment Method
- LEONET Points
- Credit Card
- Rent payment
You can make a contract from "&Leo" (smartphone app, website, Life Stick app). You can use it on the same day after completing the procedure.
*For those who wish to pay using the rent payment method (withdrawal from bank account) under a corporate contract, is required to make a contract at the Leopalace Center (branch).
*The resident-only smartphone app "&Leo" is only compatible with Android devices.
*You can only contract the Light Plan at the branch responsible for the room contract.
You can cancel from "&Leo" (smartphone app, website, Life Stick app). If the procedure is completed 3 days before the end of the month, the contract will be canceled at the end of the month if the contract is being paid with [LEONET points] [credit card], and the contract will be canceled at the end of the next month if the contract is being paid with [rent payment (account debit)]. If you apply for cancellation within 3 days from the last day of the month, the service will be canceled on the last day two months later.
If you apply for cancellation within 3 days from the last day of the month, the service will be canceled on the last day two months later.
For Light Plan, when under an individual contract, by setting the inquiry form below to "Contract / cancellation method" and making a request, the contract will be terminated at the end of the next month from when the request was received.
When under a corporate contract, the contract will be terminated at the end of the next month from when the request was received by requesting cancellation at the contract office.
*If you prefer to cancel [Payment with the rent (account debit)] under a corporate contract, you must complete the procedures by visiting the office in charge of the contract or requesting cancellation by phone or email.
*The resident-only smartphone app "&Leo" is only compatible with Android devices.
*If the fee for optional services is included in the monthly rent (via account transfer or invoice payment), or if the full amount of the contract period has been paid in advance, the optional services cannot be canceled alone and will be canceled only when the building usage contract is canceled.
Inquiry form (Japanese only)
About Contract・Cancellation Method
Launch the "&Leo" app from the home screen.
Select "オプション契約(Optional Contract)".
Select the desired optional plan from "未契約オプション(Optional Uncontracted)".
Proceed to the bottom of the screen and select the "契約に進む(Proceed to Contract)" button.
Select a payment method. You can select from "クレジットカード(Credit Card)", "LEONETポイント(LEONET Points)", and "家賃払い口座引き落とし(Rent Payment account deduction)""
*登録クレジットカード: Registered Credit Card/新規クレジットカード: New Credit Card / LEONETポイント: LEONET Points / 家賃払い口座引き落とし: Rent payment account deduction
Register your credit card. After entering, select the "確認(Confirm)" button.
Please read the notes about the contract precautions and select "次へ(Next)".
This is an explanation screen for important matters based on the Telecommunications Business Law. After confirming the contents, select "確認(Confirmed contents)" and then select "次へ(Next)".
Payment will be made with LEONET points or credit card for daily use from the date of subscription to the end of the month. Select the "契約する(Contract)" button.
Please enter the "パスワード(password)" created by the customer.
The procedure is complete. You can use the plan contracted from the same day.
Please check the description of the guarantee commission fee and the first payment, and select the first payment method.
*Not available for corporate contracts. -
A screen explaining the precautions for cancellation and important matters based on the Telecommunications Business Law will display. In both cases, select the "次へ(Next)" button.
It will be a confirmation screen of the subscription service name, the first payment method and the first payment amount. To proceed, select the "契約する(Contract)" button.
Please enter the "パスワード(password)" created by the customer.
The procedure is complete. You can use the plan contracted from the same day.
Please read the notes about the contract and select "次へ(Next)".
This is an explanation screen for important matters based on the Telecommunications Business Law. After confirming the contents, select "確認(Confirmed contents)" and then select "次へ(Next)".
After confiring the amount of the first month's fee and the payment method, select "契約する(Contract)".
Please enter the "パスワード(password)" created by the customer.
The procedure is complete. You can use the plan contracted from the same day.
Launch the "&Leo" app from the home screen.
Select "オプション契約(Optional Contract)".
You can check current contracts in "契約中オプション(Options under contract)". Select the service you want to cancel.
Select the "解約する(Cancel)" button.
Contains notes on cancellation. After confirming the contents, select the "解約する(Cancel)" button.
When paying with LEONET points or credit card, the procedure must be completed 3 days before the end of the month and the contract will be canceled at the end of the same month. *In the case of rent payment (account debit), the procedure must be completed 3 days before the end of the month and the contract will be canceled at the end of the following month.
If you apply for cancellation within 3 days from the last day of the month, the service will be canceled on the last day two months later.
However, in the case of Light Plan and corporate contract, the procedure is needed to be made by visiting the contract office or requesting cancellation by telephone, e-mail, etc., and the optional service will end on the last day of the following month in which the cancellation is accepted.
The cancellation request for Light Plan for individual contracts can be accepted at any time through the inquiry form.
When requesting the cancelation, please selecting the inquiry type as "Contract/cancellation method".
*If you prefer to cancel [Payment with the rent (account debit)] under a corporate contract, you must complete the procedures by visiting the office in charge of the contract or requesting cancellation by phone or email.
Enter your LEONET ID and password and select Login.
If there is an optional service under contract, it will be displayed in *1.
Unsubscribed options can be selected from *2.
- In case of contract
"After selecting an option plan, you can check the details. After checking the details, select the "契約へ進む(Proceed to contract)" button. Select the payment method from LEONET points, credit card, and rent payment (account debit) to make a contract.
*Rent payment (withdrawal from account) is not available for corporate contracts."
- In case of cancellation
When selecting the option plan under contract, you will find notes on cancellation. After confirming the contents, select the "解約する(Cancel)" button.
Select "LEONET" from the TOP screen of the residnet-only startphone app "&Leo"
LEONET points and various optional services can only be purchased on Android devices. You can subscribe to iOS devices only from the tenant's website "&Leo".

the tenant's website "&Leo"
Select [Option confirmation・procedures], [Option contract procedures], and select a preferred option plan.
Select an option to contract.
Check the details and select "契約へ進む(Proceed to contract)". -
Select "Option Contract Procedure" and choose your preferred option plan. Confirm the details and select "Proceed to Contract. Select a payment method from LEONET points, credit card, or direct debit.
*Rent payment (direct debit) is not available for tenants with corporate contracts.
*登録クレジットカード: Registered credit card / 新規クレジットカード: New credit card/LEONETポイント: LEONET points / 家賃払い口座引き落とし: Rent payment account debit
Select [Option confirmation・procedures], [Option confirmation change payment method].
When selecting the option plan under contract, you will find notes on cancellation. After confirming the contents, select the "解約する(Cancel)" button.