Air conditioner
Air conditioner doesn't work
- Is the air conditioner unit powered on?
- Are the remote control batteries working?
- Is there anything blocking the air inlet and outlet parts of the indoor and outdoor unit?
- Some air conditioners have an automatic timer that stop the air conditioner in 3 hours.
For details on how to unlock the timer, please contact the service center or apply from the right.
- If the remote control does not work, please take out the battery once and place back in.
- Residents are responsible for replacing consumable items such as batteries in the remote control. (Except within the first month after moving in)
The name of each part
Please clean the air filters regularly
Leaking water from indoor unit of air conditioner
- Please wipe off all dust from air filter and drainage hose.(Dirty filters cause clogging in the drainage hose, resulting in water leaking from the indoor unit)
- Air conditioner and water heater repairs will be done the next day or later.
- How to clean the air filter
In general, you can use a vacuum-cleaner to clean the filter. When badly dusted, you may wash and dry it in the shade.
- The air filters should be cleaned by the resident on a regular basis.
Repair fees for damages occurred by not cleaning the filters, will be charged to the tenant.
Please clean the filters regularly.
The responsibility of keeping and managing facilities belongs to the tenant.
(The facilities are different every room)
Please clean up regularly.
The tenant will be required to pay repair fees for damages caused by disorderliness.
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- Frequently Asked Questions
Search example)Air conditioner, gas recovery, kitchen stove, IH heater, ventilation fan cover, washing hose, delivery box, bathroom dryer, etc.
If something is wrong or could be dangerous, please contact the Leopalace Service Center or apply using the "Equipment Repair Request Form"
- Equipment repair request form